RGEN News, 3rd January, 2020: Polish PM and others praise “First to Fight”

In a series of comments posted yesterday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki praised the historical epic “First to Fight: The Polish War 1939” for bringing attention to “the role of Poles in the fight against the German and Soviet invaders.”

Morawiecki’s comments were in response to the inclusion of the book on the 2019 “book of the year” list of Michael Liebreich, a leading global expert on clean energy and sustainable development and president of the consultancy firm Liebreich Associates.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Liebreich described the book by British historian Roger Moorhouse as “the story of Poland’s valiant, lonely attempt to defend itself against Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939.” Liebreich went on to claim that, “Nothing I read on energy, climate or environment gave me as much new insight” as the book and encouraged his followers to give it a read.

The Polish version of the book was translated by Bartłomiej Pietrzyk and published in September last year by “Znak Horyzont” under the title “Polska 1939. Pierwsi przeciwko Hitlerowi” or “Poland 1939: First against Hitler.”

Source: PAP

Polish sailor wins award for her historic voyage around the globe

Captain Joanna Pajkowska has been chosen for the “Silver Sextant” and “Voyage of the Year” sailing awards after she successfully completed a solo expedition around the world without calling at any ports.

Her nonstop solo cruise on the yacht “Fanfan” took her along a classic southern route around the capes of three continents, including the notorious Cape of Good Hope in Africa and Cape Horn in South America. Beginning on September 23rd, 2018, it took Pajkowska 216 days and 16 hours to sail some 29,000 nautical miles while dealing with extreme conditions, rough seas and even mechanical failures.

Pajkowska is the first Polish woman to successfully complete a nonstop solo circumnavigation and only the fourth Polish sailor to ever do so. Her accomplishment puts her in an elite club of solo Polish sailors including Henryk Jaskuła („Dar Przemyśl”, 1980), Tomasz Lewandowski („Luka”, 2008) and Szymon Kuczyński („Atlantic Puffin”, 2018).

She will officially accept her awards during the Polish Sailing Association’s annual gala set for March of this year.

Source: Radio Gdańsk

Say goodbye to shopping on Sundays

Sunday trading days are being further restricted in 2020, with only seven “trading Sundays” scheduled in the upcoming year.

Shops will be open on the two consecutive Sundays before Christmas, the Sunday before Easter, and the last Sundays of January, April, June and August. Other exceptions to the trade ban still apply, however, including business where the owner chooses to work behind the counter, or certain specialty shops such as bakeries, confectioneries, ice cream parlors, fuel stations, florists, post offices, souvenir shops, convenience stores, pharmacies, and betting kiosks.

Exceptions also apply for businesses operating in the field of culture, sport, education, tourism, and leisure as well as facilities organized solely for the needs of festivals, fairs and other occasional events, such as the annual Open’er festival in Gdynia.

The trade ban, which began on March 1, 2018 has gotten progressively more restrictive each year, and many smaller shops and vendors, including convenience stores and outdoor markets, have responded by adjusting their stock and opening hours to fill in the gaps left in the absence of larger retailers.

Source: Radio Gdańsk

“Love on Mars” set to start filming in Sopot next week

Sopot residents may be feeling a bit starstruck as filming for the new romantic comedy, “Love on Mars” is set to take place in various locations around the city this month.

The film’s romantic leads, Małgorzata Kożuchowska and Tomasz Karolak, are no strangers to Trójmiasto or to each other, having appeared together in the popular Polish TV comedy series “Rodzinka.pl,” where they played a married couple with three children living in the Warsaw suburbs.

According to Sopot city officials, the film will include some familiar Sopot locations, including the fishing harbor, the beach, and of course the famous pier, as well as Willa Bergera, a historical villa also prominently featured in Jacek Koprowicz’s 1985 horror classic “Medium.”

The Christmas-themed “Miłosć na Marsie” is being produced by Polsat together with Akson Studio, who previously produced the historical drama “Katyń” along with Andrzej Wajda’s last film, “Powidoki,” or “Afterimage.” The film is expected to premier during the runup to Christmas next year.

On their facebook page, Studio ABM Trójmiasto asks that anyone interested in being an extra in the film should come for an audition on Saturday, January 4th, at the Sopot Marriott Resort & Spa from 11:00 – 19:30 in the “Riga” conference room.

For more information on the audition, visit the studio facebook page at:

Source: Radio Gdańsk


Today will start out party cloudy with some clouds and light rain appearing in the late afternoon. Temperatures will be similar to yesterday, with highs around 3-5 degrees Celsius or the mid 30s to low 40s Fahrenheit. Winds from the northeast and high humidity will make the temperature feel much colder; however, the temperatures should remain above freezing overnight with the rain and cold set to continue into Saturday morning.


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