Radio Gdansk English News: European Powers Take Iran to Dispute Resolution

France, Germany, and the United Kingdom announced yesterday that they would formally accuse Iran of violating the 2015 nuclear deal, triggering a formal dispute resolution process. The European powers accuse Iran of breaching the 2015 agreement by exceeding limits set on its production of enriched uranium, an ingredient in building nuclear reactors and weapons.

Iran says the Europeans are „abusing the process” but would make „constructive attempts” to preserve the 2015 deal.

The 2015 agreement between Iran and the major world powers of Russia, China, the US, and the three EU powers saw Iran agree to limit its nuclear materials in exchange for the lifting of sanctions.

In 2018, President Trump withdrew the US from the agreement and swiftly reimposed sanctions.

Since then, Iran has between steadily lifting its limits on nuclear materials, raising concerns that it could be working towards a nuclear weapon.

The issue will now go to a specialist Joint Commission to attempt to restore compliance with the deal. Under the framework of the deal, the Commission will have 15 days but this can be extended if the sides agree.

If the French, German, and British complainants are not satisfied, the issue can be referred to the UN Security Council which could vote to reimpose futher crippling sanctions on Iran.

US Lawmakers to Vote on Trump Trial

Across the Atlantic, US lawmakers will vote today on sending the Impeachment Articles against President Donald Trump to a trial.

Members of the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives are all but certain to approve sending the articles to the Senate, the upper house of Congress, where a trial will be held.

If confirmed, the trial is expected to begin early next week with Supreme Court Justice John Roberts sworn in to preside.

However, the Senate is controlled by President Trump’s Republican party and is widely expected to aquit him.

President Trump was impeached late last year for allegedly pressuring Ukraine to offer political favours, something Mr Trump has strongly denied.

Aussie Expats Raise Money for Bushfire Victims

Here in Poland, a group of Australian expats are preparing to spend the upcoming Australia Day cleaning up a Warsaw forest in a bid to raise money for wildlife affected by Australia’s ongoing bushfire crisis.

This year, Australia’s national day, on January 26, will come amidst a devastating bushfire disaster which has left at least 28 people dead as well as hundreds of millions of animals.

On Australia Day the group will be getting together to clean up the Bielański in Warsaw. They’re raising money for Wildlife Victoria, a charity which takes care of sick, injured, and homeless animals in Australia.

Phil Forbes, who came up with the idea, said the group also wanted to show appreciation to Poles who have already donated and expressed particular thanks to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, or WOŚP, which this year collected donations for people and animals affected by bushfires alongside its campaign to support healthcare in Poland.

So far the Aussies have raised more than $2000 for the charity. You can donate by searching „Aussies in Warsaw bushfire relief fund” on or via the link on today Radio Gdańsk English News online.

Greta Thunberg Stops by for Lunch

World famous teenage climate activist, Greta Thunberg, paid a visit to Gdansk this week according to local reports.

Word began to spread on Monday that the Nobel Prize nominee had been spotted at a vegan restaurant in Wrzeszcz.

The Avocado Spot bistro later confirmed on social media that Ms Thunberg had stopped for lunch.

In fact, it seems Ms Thunberg spent the day in the city as she was later spotted at another of Gdansk’s vegan locations, this time at the Manna 68 restaurant in the old town.


Bright and mild today with plenty of sunshine and temperatures up to 9°C or 49°F. Feeling a bit chillier though with moderate southerly winds.


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