Radio Gdańsk News in English, February 6th 2020: Trump acquitted

In Washington DC, President Donald Trump has been acquitted by the Senate, bringing his impeachment trial to an end. Last night, senators voted by 52-48 to clear Mr Trump on charges of abuse of power and 53-47 on charges of obstructing the investigation. The vote was almost exactly along party lines with only one Republic senator, Mitt Romney, voting against the president. The vote brings an end to a bid by Democrats to remove the president from office.

In the US, focus will now shift to the ongoing primary elections, the first half of the Presidential Election. The next primary will take place in the state of New Hampshire on Tuesday where Democrats will be voting for their choice of candidate to stand against President Trump in the main election in November. Mr Trump will become the first ever impeached president to stand for re-election.

Meanwhile in Poland, May 10th has been announced as the date of our Presidential Election. Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek, announced the date of the election yesterday. If the first round on May 10th turns out no candidate with a majority, a second round will be held two weeks later on May 24th.

Poland is in talks with potential partners to develop nuclear power in this country, that’s according a government spokesperson. Speaking to media, spokesperson Piotr Mueller said the government was working with France, the United States, and Japan to look at options for a nuclear plant in Poland as the country tries to move away from coal. Each of the three countries has its own nuclear energy system, each using different technology. Nuclear energy is thought to be one of the topics discussed during French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Poland earlier this week. France currently generates 70% of its electricty from nuclear sources. The US, the world’s largest nuclear energy producer, is another potential partner. Japan uses smaller reactors that could be well suited to Polish needs. Mr Mueller said he thinks a decision on which country to work with could be expected this year as there was „nothing to wait for”. He added that it’s too soon to say where a potential nuclear plant could be located.

A Chinese student living in Gdańsk has faced harassment this week as, around the world, fears of the new coronavirus fuel racist sentiment against Chinese and Asian people. CCTV footage shows the student from the Academy of Physical Education and Sport being subjected to offensive gestures by other students. The genstures included the students covering their mouths and showing their middle fingers to the Chinese student, allegedly making reference to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China. It comes amidst a wider wave of racist and xenophobic incidents against Chinese people all over the world. The Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk has about 100 Chinese students as well as students from other countries. Speaking to Radio Gdansk, the rector of the academy described the incident as „unacceptable” and said disciplinary measures would be taken as well as measures to prevent incidents like this in future.

RG News/Thomas Holdstock

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