Radio Gdansk News, Tuesday 22nd September 2020: Coalition government meets for emergency talks

Leaders of Poland’s ruling coalition government met in Warsaw yesterday for emergency talks as the conservative alliance, which has governed Poland since 2015, looks close to breaking point.

In recent weeks, political tensions have divided the ruling United Right Coalition, which is made up of the Law & Justice party plus two smaller conservative parties.

Trouble first emerged over a controversial animal rights bill pushed by Law & Justice. The bill, which includes a ban on fur farming and using animals in circuses, was a key policy for Law & Justice leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski. However, the bill was deeply unpopular among the coalition’s junior parties, who argue the policy will damage the agriculture sector.

The bill was passed by the Polish parliament last week with the support of opposition parties, but the situation has left the United Right Coalition damaged, with one Law & Justice MP even saying the alliance has „ruptured” and Poland has a minority government.

However, leaders of the coalition’s three member parties have said the bloc has a future and they want to find a solution.

The government is also planning a major reshuffle late this month, which could offer a solution. But if no agreement can be found, a minority government or even early elections are on the cards.

A major leak of secret financial documents has shown how major Western banks were used by Russian oligarchs to funnel money into Europe and the US, evading sanctions.

The so-called FinCEN files are the latest dump of leaked papers exposing the dark side of the financial sector. More than 2000 documents were leaked to Buzzfeed News and investigated by an international team of journalists.

The documents reveal how Russian billionaires were able to use major banks to evade US, UK, and EU sanctions levied on Russia.

In one example, Arkady Rotenberg, a Russian billionaire oligarch and close friend of President Putin, channeled $60 million through Barclay’s Bank in London between 2012 and 2016.

Barclay’s later discovered the situation and closed the offending account, but documents show Rotenberg was able to continue moving money into the West through other accounts, laundering the funds by anonymously buying high-value artworks at auction.

A Polish war memorial in London has been named as one of the UK’s most protected landmarks after its conservation status was upgraded.

The Polish Air Force Memorial in Hillingdon, west London, joins Battersea Power Station, the Coliseum Theatre, and Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral in the UK’s second-highest category of protected landmarks, Grade II*.

It comes as the UK marks 80 years since the Battle of Britain, in which Polish Air Force crews played a vital role in defending Britain from Nazi invasion.

Hundreds gathered in Gdansk city centre over the weekend to mark the International Day of Democracy.

A Rally for Democracy took place on Saturday at the Main-town Hall to celebrate values important to the city: constitution, equality, solidarity, and rule of law.

Mayor Dulkiewicz as well as other city leaders attended the rally, but perhaps the most poignant appearance was by Alena Dzieniszyc, a member of Gdansk’s Belarusian community. Dzieniszyc spoke of the mistreatment of peaceful protesters in her homeland. Nightly protests and harsh police retaliations have gripped Belarus for more than six weeks now.

Tricity’s drivers can enjoy free public transport today as part of World Car Free Day, an international event to encourage motorists to give up the car and take the bus, tram, or train instead.

All of Tricity’s transit providers are taking part, meaning car-owners can take advantage of buses and trams in Gdansk and Gdynia as well as rail services on the SKM. Just bring your vehicle registration certificate and make the most of the chance to travel for free across the metropolis.


Mostly sunny as we go into this afternoon with temperatures getting to a pleasant 24C, 75F.  Those clear skies making for a chilly night though. Another bright and warm day tomorrow with no rain expected.

Radio Gdansk News/Thomas Holdstock
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