Radio Gdansk News in English: Polish schools will be closed until at least May 24th

Polish Schools will remain shut until at least May 24th, as Poland continues to fight the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, the country’s education minister announced on Friday. At a press conference he said, “Unfortunately, the current epidemic conditions do not allow us to resume the activities of schools, kindergartens and nurseries.” High school leaving exams, known as matury, will be held from June 8th to 29th. Polish schools were initially shut for two weeks after the coronavirus epidemic broke out. Almost 11,000 people have so far tested positive for the virus in Poland, with almost 50 deaths.

Source – Polskie Radio

Consumer sentiment in Poland has plunged to its lowest level since 2004 amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to an article on the website citing data from the country’s Central Statistical Office.

The latest batch of data from the statistics agency indicates that Poles expect their financial situation to change for the worse and that they think there will be a dramatic rise in unemployment. The data showed that consumer sentiment in the country deteriorated significantly in April compared with the previous month.

Source – Polskie Radio,

Firefighters have warned Poles to be cautious when out walking in forests amid a high risk of fires following a dry winter. Poland eased its coronavirus lockdown for the first time this week, reopening forests and parks to the public.

The interior ministry has said that in most Polish forests, the risk of a blaze breaking out was so great that the highest level of fire alert has been declared. The interior ministry warned the public not to drive cars into woodland because even a hot car exhaust pipe could be enough to spark a blaze.

Source – Polskie Radio

This week saw a record breaking cargo delivery at Gdańsk’s maritime port. According to an article on the website, a shipment of coal was delivered from Colombia by the largest bulk carrier ship that has ever docked in Gdańsk port.

The coal had been ordered by PGE, Poland’s state owned power company in 2019 and is one of Poland’s many sources of imported coal. That amount of coal is enough to heat an average home for the next 45,000 years.

Source –,,,

Today will be a sunny day with scattered clouds and a moderate breeze. Temperatures will reach around 11 degrees centigrade (52 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, dropping to 3 degrees centigrade overnight. Sunday should remain sunny with scattered clouds and temperatures of around 13 degrees centigrade.
That was the Radio Gdansk English news and weather.

RG/Martin Caren
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