Radio Gdansk News in English: No mass or processions for All Saints’ Day

In light of the current surge in coronavirus cases, the Archdiocese of Gdańsk has declared there will be no masses or processions in the cemeteries on All Saints’ Day (Wszystkich Świętych) this year. The decision was announced over the weekend by archdiocese administrator Bishop Jacek Jezierski on the curia’s website. Congregants are instead encouraged to make their traditional cemetery visits throughout the month of November instead of crowding cemeteries on November 1.

“The point is to avoid being in the crowd of people at the cemetery,” explains Bishop Jezierski, referencing current sanitary restrictions and appeals by the Gdańsk police. Jezierski also reminds Catholics that an indulgence for the deceased will be available throughout November this year in accordance with a recent decision by Pope Francis.

Source: Radio Gdańsk

Polish Defense Minister tests positive for coronavirus

Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak is the latest member of the Polish government to reveal he has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Błaszczak announced the news in a Twitter post on Sunday, where he claimed he was “feeling good” despite the diagnosis.

He went on to urge Poles to be careful and follow health guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic. Blaszczak’s tweet came just a day after Polish President Andrzej Duda announced his own COVID-19 diagnosis.

Poland on Sunday reported 11,742 new coronavirus infections and 87 additional deaths, bringing the total number of cases to 253,688 and fatalities to 4,438.

Source: Radio Poland

Hundreds volunteer to help seniors during pandemic

Over two thousand people have already volunteered to join the Solidarity Corps to Support Seniors, a new initiative aimed at aiding the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Using a newly established hotline, those with special cases and people over the age of 70 will be able to get assistance with outside tasks so they can #zostańwdomu during the pandemic.

The initiative’s aim is to discourage seniors from leaving their homes in a bid to slow down the spread of coronavirus and protect those most vulnerable to the disease. According to data from the Health Ministry, 70% of fatalities from COVID-19 are those aged 70 and older.

The Solidarity Corps to Support Seniors will itself be supported by scouts, soldiers of the Territorial Defence Force and social care workers.

Source: Radio Poland, Radio Gdańsk

Gastronomy industry joins ongoing protests

Protests continued across Poland yesterday in response to a recent ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal which limits access to abortion in the country.

Here in Trójmiasto, the “car protest” #OstraJazdaKobiet created an approximately 7-kilometer traffic jam Sunday evening on the main route between Gdańsk and Gdynia through Sopot, with car horns audible as far as the Sopot pier.

In central Gdańsk, hundreds of protestors speaking on behalf of women’s rights were joined by members of the catering, tourism, and event industries, who appealed to the government to take immediate measures to save companies from bankruptcy.

The gastronomy representatives are asking for exemptions from paying social security contributions and income tax, lowering their VAT rate to 5%, and additional subsidies to cover rent, bills, maintenance, wages, and loan payments in order to keep their businesses afloat during the current shutdown.

The gathering was held without incident and participants were reminded to observe health and sanitary guidelines. Organizers of the rally later thanked the police officers for the safe conduct of the protest.

Source: Radio Gdańsk


Today will be mostly cloudy and cool, with a light breeze coming in from the south and a slight chance of rain in the late evening. Temperatures will peak at 14°C, or 57°F, dropping to an overnight low of 10°C or 50°F. Clouds and a slight chance of rain will return overnight, with scattered showers in the forecast for tomorrow.

Elizabeth Peck
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