Radio Gdansk News in English: Pilecki Institute celebrates women’s right to vote

Over the weekend, the Pilecki Institute in Warsaw commemorated the 102nd anniversary of Polish women gaining voting rights by launching the animated film „Podwójnie wolne” or „Liberated Twice: Women’s Political Rights 1918”.

Women in Poland gained full voting rights nearly two years before their American counterparts and a decade before English women were given the same rights. „Podwójnie wolne” was how some suffragettes described the decree on voting rights, which was granted at the same time all Polish citizens regained their independence and civil rights.

The film was accompanied by a virtual exhibition on the website of the Pilecki Institute. The animated film is also currently available to watch on the Institute’s YouTube channel.

Source: Radio Poland

In cities across Poland including Warsaw, Kraków, Łódż, and Wrocław, protestors again gathered on Saturday to voice opposition to tighter abortion laws and demand more rights for women. Tens of thousands of demonstrators have been taking to the streets around the country since October 22.

In Gdańsk, a smaller demonstration gathered in the city center on Saturday under the slogan „Stop Violence and Police Repression” in reported solidarity with demonstrators in Warsaw. The protest in Gdańsk remained peaceful, with participants thanking local police officers for their conduct and professionalism.

Source: Radio Poland, Tró

Just in time for Black Friday weekend, stores and shopping malls across Poland reopened on Saturday after a partial easing of COVID-19 restrictions on retail outlets.

The number of customers heading to Polish shopping malls in 2020 is likely to fall by several million compared to previous years, according to a new report by consulting firm CBRE. Although many customers will stay home due to „the epidemic situation and [their] concerns about safety,” CBRE still anticipates that “one in two Poles may go to malls.”

A similar study by consulting firm Deloitte found that Poles plan to spend 29 percent less on Christmas this year, with some 67 percent of shoppers planning to limit the number of visits to traditional stores in favor of online shopping.

Source: Radio Poland

The annual Gdańsk Christmas Fair, or Jarmark Bożonarodzeniowy, has gone virtual, with all the usual treats, gifts, decorations, and crafts now available for purchase online.

All gifts purchased through the website at will support small businesses and Father Eugeniusz Dutkiewicz SAC Hospice in Gdańsk.


Polish ski jumpers finished second and third on the first day of World Cup individual competitions in the Finnish resort of Ruka.

Piotr Żyła finished runner-up in the competition, ahead of fellow Pole Dawid Kubacki. Saturday’s winner was once again Germany’s Markus Eisenbichler, who also came first in the World Cup opener last week in Wisła.

Eisenbichler was no match for Norway’s Halvor Egner Granerud on Sunday, however, as the 24-year-old Norwegian triumphed to take home his first World Cup trophy ever, with Kubacki again coming in third.

The World Cup continues next weekend in Nizhny Tagil, near Ekaterinburg in Russia.

Source: Radio Poland,

And while you zostańwdomu…

Lechia Gdańsk will face off against Lech Poznan tonight at 18:00 and famed vocal ensemble Cappella Gedanensis will be broadcasting a live recital on their YouTube channel starting at 20:00.


Today will be mostly cloudy and a bit cold, with a strong breeze coming in from the west and a slight chance of rain in the early afternoon. Temperatures will peak around a high of 2°C, or 36°F, dropping slightly to a chilly overnight low of -1°C or 30°F. Clouds are set to roll in on Tuesday with a chance for some sunshine again midweek.



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