Radio Gdansk News in English: Health Minister Warns of „Spectre of a Third Wave” in Poland

In the United States, Joe Biden has been officially confirmed as the President-elect in a vote by the Electoral College.

The Electoral College, made up of party-appointed „electors” from each of the 50 states, is responsible for ultimately choosing who will become the next president. Electors traditionally cast their votes in line with the popular vote from their state, though in many states they are not legally required to do so.

Mr Biden won last month’s election by a strong margin, but incumbent President Donald Trump has yet to accept the results, making unsupported claims of cheating and fraud in states where he lost.

British and European Union negotiators are continuing talks for a post-Brexit trade agreement today despite a scheduled end to the talks back on Sunday.

The two sides, which are said to be close to a deal but stuck in a deadlock over a handful of issues, agreed to continue talks past Sunday’s deadline in the hopes a breakthrough can be reached before the end of December when Britain finally leaves the EU’s economic zone.

Poland’s Health Minister, Adam Niedzielski, has warned of the possibility of a third wave of coronavirus infections in Poland in the new year.

In a statement yesterday, Mr Niedzielski spoke of the „spectre of a third wave” in January if measures were not taken to keep the spread of the virus contained.

The Health Minister also said he would recommend extending current sanitary restrictions up to January 17th – measures that had been expected to be relaxed on December 28th.

Under current rules, cultural sites, as well as gyms and swimming pools, are closed and strict limitations are in force on hotels, restaurants, and retail. Schools and universities have returned to distanced learning.

An extension of those rules into the new year would be unwelcome news for businesses hit hard by the pandemic but could help to keep pressure off the healthcare system while vaccination programmes get underway.

In other pandemic news, the US and Canada have both now commenced vaccinations while thousands of elderly people and medical workers have now been vaccinated in the UK. In Europe, the European Medicines Agency is in the process of reviewing the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine – the EMA is expected to approve the vaccine in the coming days.

Here in Gdansk, Border Guards had to intervene at Gdansk Airport last week after an intoxicated passenger became aggressive onboard a plane.

The drunk traveller, reportedly from Poland’s Massovia province but flying in from Norway, had to be removed by officers from the Border Guard’s Special Intervention Team after the pilot called for help.

According to reports by, the 38-year-old man continued his aggressive behaviour after being removed from the plane.

This year, Border Guards at the airport say they’ve dealt with 43 people who endangered flight safety with their behaviour.

The man was taken to the Gdansk Social Emergency Centre to sober up – he was later issued a fine of 1000PLN.

A foggy start to the day this morning and remaining cloudy throughout the afternoon. Temperatures reaching around 3C, 38F, but feeling colder with a gusty wind coming in from the south. A chance of some rain overnight with tomorrow looking partly cloudy with mild temperatures.


Thomas Holdstock/ako

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