Radio Gdansk News in English: US President set to hold talks with Russian President today

The US president Joe Biden is set to hold a virtual summit with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin today. Ahead of the summit, Biden will also hold talks with leaders of allied countries and the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, will talk to the president of Ukraine.

Biden also intends to speak to the Ukrainian President in the coming days. The US President intends to raise NATO and US concerns about Russian activities in the region as well as listening to concerns of the Russian president. Ukraine would like to join NATO and in June 2020 joined NATO’s enhanced opportunity partner operability program.

Source – Polish Associated Press


Poland’s Defence Minister has said that Warsaw wants to work closely with the Ukrainian government as it anticipates that Belarus may try to push more migrants across the border with Ukraine.


He made the statement to the Nasz Dziennik newspaper as he said „Given Minsk’s objectives for stoking this crisis, such a scenario cannot be ruled out”. Meanwhile, Poland’s Border Guard on Monday said it had recorded 35 illegal attempts to cross from Belarus overnight, and there have been around 40,000 attempted illegal incursions into Poland from Belarus in 2021.

Source – Polskie Radio

A Polish speed skater has become the first Polish female speed skater since 1988 to win a World Cup event.

Andżelika Wójcik won the women’s 500 metres at the speed skating World Cup in Salt Lake City this weekend, setting a national record of 36.775 seconds in the process. The 25 year old’s coach said that he was so happy to see all the hard work and sacrifice she had put in paying off. Wójcik is set to represent Poland in the Beijing Winter Olympics in two months.

Source – Polskie Radio

A 2 year old boy from Pomerania urgently needs to undergo surgery on his hand in order to avoid it being amputated.

The boy called Nikodem’s family who come from a small village around 70km from Gdańsk need to collect more than PLN 400,000 to cover the cost of the surgery which is not reimbursable under National Health Fund rules. Nikos was born with an under-developed right hand which cannot be fixed with therapy alone. The operation must be done in February in order for it to have any chance of success and will take place in Warsaw if it can be funded.  

You can donate to the fund to help Nikos here –

Source – Radio Gdańsk


Today will be a very cold and sunny day with a gentle breeze and temperatures of -5 degree centigrade (23 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, dropping to -8 degrees overnight. Tomorrow will remain very cold but cloudy with temperatures of -6 degrees during the day and -8 degrees overnight.


Martin Caren/MarWer

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