Call for worldwide show of solidarity with Ukraine one month into invasion | Poland ejects 45 Russians accused of espionage | Gdańsk landmark begins major facelift | Radio Gdańsk one of the most-cited stations in February

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Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has called for a worldwide show of solidarity with his country today, one month after the invasion by Russia began.

He asked for people to come out into the streets with Ukrainian symbols to support his country, freedom, and life.

There’s been no let-up in the violence in Ukraine, with high-rise buildings and a shopping mall in Kyiv coming under fire yesterday.

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, said so far Russian bombardment had killed 264 civilians in the city.

The city of Chernihiv in northern Ukraine also came under attack by Russian forces yesterday, with the destruction of a key bridge needed for aid deliveries and evacuations.

The conflict has so far displaced seven million Ukrainians from their homes.

NATO yesterday said it estimated that between 7 and 15 thousand (7,000 and 15,000) Russian soldiers have been killed in the past month.

And the World Health Organisation said today that healthcare facilities have come under attack 64 times since the start of the war.

Source: AP, Reuters

Poland is expelling 45 Russians from the country, accusing them of spying.

State security spokesperson Stanisław Żaryn said the individuals were operating under their diplomatic status, but in reality they were conducting intelligence activities against Poland.

The Foreign Ministry has given the Russians five days to leave the country, with the exception of one man assessed as being especially dangerous, who must leave within 48 hours.

The state security service also said that it had detained a Polish citizen working at the Warsaw registry office on suspicion of spying for Russian secret services.

The individual is accused of threatening both the internal and external security of Poland via their access to documents from the Warsaw city archives.

Source: AP

A major renovation of Gdańsk’s landmark dockside crane has begun.

Contractors yesterday took over the site to start an 18 million-zloty rebuild which will overhaul the structure from top to bottom.

The crane was originally built in 1444 and last renovated in the 1950s.

During the current works the permanent exhibitions will be completely rebuilt, and new spaces inside the structure will be made available.

For some time the outside of the building will be covered in scaffolding, and the gate under the crane will be closed.

The work is due to take two years.


Radio Gdańsk has been ranked as one of the top ten opinion-forming stations in Poland.

Only nationwide radio stations came out higher in the research, carried out by the Institute of Media Monitoring.

Radio Gdańsk was in ninth place when looking at how often radio stations were cited by other news and media during the month of February.



This week’s spring-like weather continues again today in the Tri Cities, with a sunny day and an expected high of 12°C / 53°F. And tomorrow it looks like the pattern will hold before it turns cooler and cloudier at the weekend.

Andrew Carter

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