German Patriot systems to be stationed in Poland | Bank chief says Poland to have single-digit inflation in 2023 | 'Macbeth’ to be staged in Warsaw in English | Heavy snow forecast for Gdańsk

(fot. Wojsko Polskie)

The German and Polish governments have reached an agreement on a deployment of the German Patriot air defense system in Poland according to a German government spokesman. The statement came after Warsaw initially suggested sending the Patriot systems to Ukraine.

The systems will be deployed to Poland’s eastern Lublin region and „will be supervised by Polish Army commanders”. Germany’s Defence Minister said in late November that the Patriot air defence systems her country had offered Poland were intended for use „on NATO territory”, despite a request from Warsaw that the system be sent to Ukraine.

Source – Polskie Radio

Poland’s Central Bank chief has said that he expects inflation to drop to single digit figures in 2023. At a press conference in Warsaw yesterday he told the media, „We don’t envisage recession in Poland, but GDP growth may fall to around zero. According to our forecasts, it will be 0.7 percent, although this depends on multiple factors”.

He added that economic growth was decelerating across the developed world, with many countries heading for recession. He told reporters that inflation would drop to between 6 and 9 percent by the end of 2023. On Wednesday, the National Bank of Poland’s rate-setting Monetary Policy Council left interest rates unchanged, keeping the reference rate at 6.75 percent.

Source – Polskie Radio

The European Union’s executive commission has proposed a ninth package of sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, targeting Kremlin officials, banks and industries. The new set of punitive measures was unveiled by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen earlier in the week.

Some 200 individuals and entities are set to be added to the existing sanctions list. The proposed ninth package also features sanctions against three more Russian banks and a full transaction ban on the Russian Regional Development Bank, in addition to new export controls and restrictions, especially for dual-use goods such as key chemicals, nerve agents, electronics and IT components.

Source – Polskie Radio

Heavy snow is expected in the Pomeranian region, which includes the Three Cities. Snow has already fallen overnight and forecasters have said that snowfall of up to 20cm may fall in the coming hours.

There may be heavy snow into early next week as well, with forecasts showing that Tuesday in particular may be a day with heavy snowfall. Temperatures are set to remain below zero for the coming 5-10 days in Gdańsk and will be lower inland. Drivers should take care to remove snow from their vehicles before setting off on journeys, to avoid fines from the police.

Source – Radio Gdańsk, BBC Weather


Today will be a cloudy day with sunny spells in a gentle breeze and temperatures of 0 degrees centigrade (32 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and -3 degrees overnight. Tomorrow will remain cold and dull in a gentle breeze with temperatures of 0 degrees during the day and -3 degrees overnight.


Martin Caren/MarWer

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