Poland to send 2,000 extra troops to reinforce Belarus border | Polish PM challenges top German MEP to debate after attack on ruling party | Polish political parties launch election campaigns | Gdańsk resident with revoked driving license arrested after driving to police station to report a crime

(fot. Twitter/Straż Graniczna)

The Polish army is set to send around 2,000 troops to reinforce its border with Belarus, according to officials.

Poland’s deputy interior added that the deployment would be twice the number initially requested by border guards. On Monday the minister told reporters that the Border Guard agency was asking the government to send an additional 1,000 soldiers to help stave off illegal migration via Belarus. Poland has worried increasingly about the border area since hundreds of battle-hardened Wagner mercenaries arrived in Belarus last month at the invitation of President Alexander Lukashenko. It noted that Belarus started military exercises near the border this week and that Poland has in recent months seen an increase in the number of mainly Middle Eastern and African migrants trying to cross the border.

Source – Polskie Radio

Poland’s Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, has challenged a leading German MEP to a live debate after the MEP remarked that Poland’s ruling conservatives attack the rule of law.

The PM extended the invitation to German politician, head of the European People’s Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber in a video posted on the social platform X, formerly Twitter. Morawiecki responded on Twitter: “As the prime minister of the Polish government, which represents a democratically elected parliamentary majority, I won’t allow the choices of the Polish people to be slandered in this way.” Referring to Weber, the Polish prime minister added: “He called us his enemies. Enough of that. If the Germans openly admit that they will interfere in the elections in Poland, let them stand with an open visor.” Weber said in June this year that the current Polish government must be challenged and replaced by a government more friendly to the EU and its values.

Source – Polskie Radio

Poland’s political parties on Wednesday kicked off their campaigns ahead of parliamentary elections in the autumn.

The centrist Civic Coalition (KO), Poland’s biggest opposition grouping, held a news conference at the Warsaw Central metro station. Meanwhile, two other opposition groupings, the centre-right Poland 2050 and the rural-based Polish People’s Party (PSL), signed a coalition agreement. PSL’s leader said that neither of the two main parties in Polish politics would be able to form a government on its own, and so it will be crucial who finishes third.

Source – Polskie Radio

And finally, a 24-year-old man from Gdańsk found himself in hot water after he drove to a local police station report damage to his car, only to be found out that his driving license had been revoked in June.

The man has now been summoned to court for failing to comply with the decision to withdraw his driving license. He is liable to imprisonment for up to two years.

Source – Radio Gdańsk


Today will be a sunny day in a gentle breeze, with temperatures of 21 degrees centigrade (70 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and 11 degrees overnight. Tomorrow will be a sunny day in light winds, with temperatures of 25 degrees during the day and 15 degrees overnight.
That was the Radio Gdańsk English news and weather.

Martin Caren/aKa

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