Poland announces checks at Slovak border to stem illegal migration | Poland to expand LNG terminal to boost gas independence from Russia | The oldest die in Poland – used over two thousand years ago | Man found dead in lift in Zaspa. Four people arrested on murder charges

(Fot. Twitter/Mateusz Morawiecki)

The Polish Prime Minister has announced that it will introduce checks at its border with Slovakia in an effort to curb illegal immigration, it has been announced.

Mateusz Morawiecki announced the move in the south-eastern town of Kraśnik on Monday night. Morawiecki stated: “I have instructed the interior minister to introduce checks on vans, cars or coaches that are suspected of carrying illegal immigrants.” Poland’s Border Guard agency said that illegal migration from southern neighbour Slovakia had increased sevenfold compared with last year. Some 450 illegal migrants have been detained on the Slovak border, up from 60 over the corresponding period of 2022.

Source – Polskie Radio

Poland is set to expand the country’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the north-western port of Świnoujście in 2024, raising its storage capacity to some 500,000 cubic metres of LNG.

Work on the new facility, which will store 180,000 cubic metres of LNG, is nearing completion and the launch is planned for 2024. The LNG terminal in Świnoujście has been part of Poland’s drive to diversify sources of supply and become fully independent from Russian gas and after the expansion, it could become the gas hub for Central Europe. The terminal is expected to provide customers with a total of 7,000 cistern trucks of LNG re-gasified into natural gas in 2024, up from 5,362 cistern trucks in 2023, according to officials.

Source – Polskie Radio

A die which is over two thousand years old has been discovered in Southern Poland, archaeologists have announced.

It was made and used for playing by Celts living in today’s southern Poland – in the second century BC. The die seems to be relatively „new” in the sense of being unused for playing. There are few signs of wear and tear and it has a different construction than the cubic dice familiar to us today, being more rectangular than square. Archaeologists are not sure what game or games it was to be used in. It is possible it was intended for some kind of early board game, with the board perhaps made of organic material which would have disintegrated over time. The die was found in the remains of a hut sunk into the ground.

Source – Polskie Radio

And finally, four people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a man’s body was discovered in a lift in a block of flats in Gdańsk Zaspa on Monday.

The body of a man around 60 years old was found in the elevator of one of the apartment blocks on Monday afternoon. The police have not yet revealed how he died. However, it was established that a murder had occurred. Officers have been working on site again since the morning. They collect traces and determine the circumstances of the incident. Today there will also be an autopsy of the man’s body.

Source – Radio Gdańsk


Today will be a sunny day in a gentle breeze with temperatures of 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and 10 degrees overnight. Tomorrow will remain sunny in light winds and temperatures of 26 degrees during the day and 11 degrees overnight.
That was the Radio Gdańsk English news and weather.

Martin Caren/aKa

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