Polish conservative leader says EU Treaty changes are an attempt to abolish the Polish state | Ukrainian hauliers urge Zelensky and EU’s president to help end blockade at Polish border | Polish government to extend rights for Black Friday shoppers | Missing Gdańsk postman’s body found in river

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Poland’s conservative leader has said that proposed changes to European Union treaties undermine his country’s sovereignty and „represent an attempt to abolish the Polish state.”

On Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted a set of proposals to amend EU treaties, a move designed to „give citizens a stronger say and create a more effective EU.” The main proposed changes include abolishing the principle of unanimity in the European Council in 65 policy areas, to be replaced by qualified majority voting; the transfer of powers from member states to the EU, in areas such as foreign affairs, external security and defence; and making the euro the mandatory currency for EU countries.

Source – Polskie Radio

Two Ukrainian organisations have appealed to Ukraine’s president and the chief of the European Union’s executive Commission to help unblock the border with Poland, amid an ongoing protest by Polish truck drivers and farmers.

The Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) and the Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine issued a letter to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen on Friday. The two organisations wrote that the blockade of border checkpoints by Polish truckers and farmers had already cost Ukrainian haulers over EUR 400 million. Overall, Ukrainian exporters stand to lose billions of euros over the Polish protest, the letter added.

Source – Polskie Radio

Consumers hunting for bargains this Black Friday and Cyber Monday will have new rights to protect them against dishonest market practices, the Polish government has said.

Poland this year implemented the European Union’s Omnibus directive to strengthen consumer rights. Under the new regulations, apart from giving the current price of a product or service, retailers have to indicate the lowest price it has had over the past 30 days. „This will allow consumers to assess whether they are dealing with a real discount,” said Development and Technology Minister. The new regulations are designed to curb practices such as temporary price hikes, when product prices are raised artificially to make the discounts appear larger, according to officials.

Source – Polskie Radio

The body of missing Gdańsk resident, Jakub Krut, has been found nearly a month after he disappeared during a night out. His body was recovered from the Martwa Wisła river. Police have ruled out foul play.

Mr Krut disappeared from a concert at the B90 club in Gdańsk on November 5th when he went outside for a cigarette, leaving his belongings inside the establishment. The prosecutor’s office will conduct an investigation into the man’s death.

Source – Radio Gdańsk


Today will be a rainy day in moderate winds with chances of sleet throughout the day, and temperatures of 3 degrees centigrade (37 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and -1 degrees overnight. Tomorrow will turn snowy in a moderate breeze with temperatures of 2 degrees during the day and -3 degrees overnight.


Martin Caren/MarWer

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