Radio Gdańsk news in english

English Service

“No change” reported in condition of Polish aid worker injured in Russian strike | Putin visits occupied Ukraine in “defiant gesture” | Volvo set to close bus factory in Wrocław next year | Last chance for eligible families to claim Polish Tourist Vouchers

The condition of two volunteers from Poland injured in a Russian attack on their aid vehicle has not changed, with officials discussing the possibility of transporting the patients back to Poland.

English Service

Poland to send four MiG-29 jets to Ukraine | Polish Ministry of Finance optimistic despite February inflation high | Poland’s Lech Poznań reach Europa Conference League quarterfinals | Man is convicted of murder of Gdańsk mayor

The Polish government is set to send four Mig-29 jets to Ukraine – the first country to send jet fighters to Ukraine in support of its fight against Russia’s invasion of the country. Poland’s president Andrzej Duda made the announcement in Warsaw on yesterday.

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