Radio Gdańsk English Service, Wednesday, August 7th, 2019: A spokesman for Polish President Andrzej Duda has confirmed October 13th as the date of the next parliamentary elections

A spokesman for Polish President Andrzej Duda has confirmed October 13th as the date of the next parliamentary elections.
According to spokesman Błażej Spychalski, “the State Electoral Commission did not raise any concerns regarding the proposed date,” clearing the way for Duda to sign the relevant ordinance and forward his decision on to the Office of the Prime Minister.

In the previous election in 2015, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, The Law and Justice Party, won an outright majority with 235 seats to Platform Obywatelska or Civic Platform’s 138 seats. All 460 members of the Sejm, the lower house of Polish parliament, along with 100 senators of the upper chamber will be up for election.

PiS is set to release a list of position candidates by the end of this week. Early polling by Politico Research shows PiS comfortably in the lead in the upcoming October elections. The campaign will formally start within the next five days, after the President’s decision is published in the Journal of Laws.

Source: PAP

Current Mevo operator reports he can only supply an additional 200 bikes in August despite high demand and previous promises.

The original plan was for a fleet of over 4,000 bikes to be available by mid-August of 2019. Currently, only 30% of the target fleet, roughly 1200 bikes, are available for rental, with users complaining that parking stations are often empty. Despite promising the full fleet last May, the operator reported on Monday that he would only be able to provide an additional 200 bikes due to issues with testing and quality control. “We want [the bikes] to meet the highest standards, so that they can serve everyone as well as possible over the next years – reports the operator.

In a piece of good news, however, the “booking” function, which was suspended over the summer, will return August 14th. Users can reserve a bike 5 minutes in advance for up to three times per day.

The Mevo system, which operates in 14 municipalities in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, has proven itself immensely popular. Since March, over 140,000 unique users have registered in the system, with more than 1.4 million rentals and a combined distance of 5 million kilometers cycled.

Updated information can be found at:

Source: Radio Gdańsk

Polish tennis player Hubert Hurkacz set to face top-ranked Greek after winning first Singles match at the ATP Montreal Masters.

The 22-year-old Hurkacz, who joined the competition in place of injured South African player Kevin Anderson, had a rough start after losing his first doubles match in two sets on Monday. He rebounded yesterday in his first singles match of the competition against the 21-year-old American Taylor Fritz, beating him easily in two sets.

Today’s match will be markedly more challenging, as the No. 41 ranked Hurkacz is set to face off against the No. 5 ranked Tsitsipas, the highest ranked Greek player in history. Hurkacz previously faced Tsitsipas at last year’s Next Gen ATP Finals in Milan, where Tsitsipas defeated him in 3 sets to take 2nd overall, while Hurkacz placed 9th.

The match is set to begin at 8:40pm Montreal time, or 2:40am tomorrow morning in Gdańsk.


For Kinomaniaks or “nerdus filmus” the second annual Octopus film festival opens today around the Gdańsk Shipyard.

The festival, which bills itself as “the wildest film festival in Poland,” features films of a slightly more crass and shocking variety than usual.

Over the next six days, the festival will showcase over thirty genre films from various decades and parts of the world. The festival also includes special screening events, including Pulp Fiction read live by Polish voice-over masters Krystyna Czubówna and Tomasz Knapik and the adult-only “hallucinogenic horror” film Mandy, which will be screened at Szaniec Jezuicki, a Jesuit fort, and accompanied by motorcyclists, barbeque, and heavy metal.

Today’s lineup includes the aforementioned Pulp Fiction screening, the atmospheric western horror The Wind, the epically bad American amateur production, Eegah, the 1980s Japanese cyberpunk classic Tetsuo – Man of Iron, and the American medieval fantasy-horror slasher The Head Hunter.

For more information on the festival visit


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