Radio Gdansk English Service: Polish PM calls for support with emission reductions

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawecki joined delegates from some 200 countries yesterday for the start of the COP25 UN Climate Change Conference in Spain.
Shortly before the inauguration of the Madrid summit, Morawiecki expressed his conviction that Poland could make additional efforts to change its energy system and further reduce emissions, but should receive adequate compensation in return.

„…we all have to commit ourselves to cooperation and mutual assistance,” he stressed, pointing to the importance of accounting for both the amount of carbon dioxide produced by particular states and their CO2 consumption per capita. “For instance,” he stated, “on the one hand…the Netherlands or Belgium are in the lead of countries fighting against climate change, and on the other hand, their per capita CO2 consumption is much higher than in Poland.”

According to Morawiecki,  „Poland has its own goals to achieve but the cost of [transforming the energy sector] must be divided in a just way…”

The COP25 climate conference will continue from now until the 13th of December.

Source: PAP

Czechs breathe easier and live longer according to new report

A new report comparing air pollution levels and life expectancy on the Polish-Czech border shows markedly better air quality on the Czech side of the border.  As a result, Czechs living in the Olomouc region can expect to live an average of a year longer than their Polish neighbors in the Opolskie and Dolnośląskie regions.

According to Dr. Vítězslav Jiřík from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ostrava, research shows the risk of developing cancer as a result of breathing polluted air is twice as high in Poland as in the Czech Republic.

The scientists stressed the need to develop systematic solutions to air quality problems in the region, including replacing or upgrading old furnaces and initiating a ban on burning solid fuels such as coal and wood. The city of Kraków initiated a similar ban in September of this year resulting in immediately noticeable improvements in air quality.

Source: PAP

Amazon pulls “disturbing” Auschwitz-themed Christmas ornaments

After a record-breaking Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend, e-commerce retailer Amazon has found itself in hot water over the sale of Auschwitz-themed Christmas ornaments on its platform, Reuters reports.

Via a Twitter post on Sunday, the The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum drew attention to the questionable ornaments and requested that Amazon promptly remove them, as “Auschwitz on a bottle opener is rather disturbing and disrespectful.”

In response, Amazon pulled the offending items from its platform, citing a violation of its seller guidelines, including the sale of “products that promote, incite or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views.” Over 1 million people, mainly Jews, were sent to the infamous death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland, and the site has since become a symbol of the horrors of the Holocaust.

According to Peter Sawicki of the Auschwitz Memorial, the products were most likely the result of using image-grabbing software to indiscriminately place images on products in hopes of attracting customers.

Amazon has since removed the offending products, and other online retailers, including, have pledged to do the same.

Source: Reuters

Disney honors last request of Star Wars fan

The staff at a small UK hospice were shocked at the response to their Twitter plea last Wednesday asking for help to fulfill a dying patient’s wish to see the last Star Wars film.

After numerous retweets, including one by original star Mark Hamill, Disney’s CEO Bob Iger eventually responded that “we at @Disney are grateful to be able to share #TheRiseOfSkywalker with a patient and his family @RowansHospice. May the force be with you and with us all!”

Lisa Davies, a healthcare worker at the hospice, thanked Disney and local media for their efforts to raise awareness, and in the case of Disney, to “move mountains to make this happen…The response from everyone,” she added, “including the Star Wars community, has been absolutely phenomenal over the last few days.”

“The Rise of Skywalker,” the last episode in the epic Star Wars saga, is due out in theaters December 20th.



Today will be mostly cloudy with a good chance of rain showers in the late afternoon and early evening. Temperatures will continue to hover slightly above freezing throughout the day, with winds from the southeast resulting in a perceived temperature of minus 3 degrees Celsius or mid-20s Fahrenheit. Tomorrow is set to be slightly warmer, but strong winds and high humidity will continue to produce a real feeling of winter.


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