RGEN News. Friday January 10th, 2020: Ukraine names Iran plane crash theories, including missile strike

As details continue to emerge about the Ukrainian airliner crash in Iran this week, a top Ukrainian security official yesterday set out what he said were the four main theories for why a Ukrainian airliner crashed in Iran the previous day killing 176 people, including a possible missile strike and terrorism. The secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council made his statement as an initial report by Iranian investigators said the plane, a Boeing 737-800, had been on fire immediately before it crashed. Ukraine is looking at various possible causes of the crash, including a possible missile attack, a collision, an engine explosion or terrorism, he wrote in a Facebook post. The crash happened hours after Iran launched missile attacks on U.S.-led forces in Iraq, leading some to speculate that the plane may have been hit. He said Ukrainian investigators in Iran wanted to search the crash site for possible debris of a Russian missile after seeing reports about its possible existence on the internet. He added that Ukraine would draw on expertise learnt from carrying out its own investigation into the 2014 shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 over eastern Ukraine. As mobile phone footage starts to emerge of the final moments of the aircraft, it is looking increasingly likely that the liner was shot down by a surface to air missile.

Polish MPs condemn comments by Russia

The Polish parliament, otherwise known as the Sejm, passed a resolution yesterday condemning “provocative and untrue” comments by Russian authorities which MPs in Warsaw said, try to shift the blame for the outbreak of World War II onto Poland. The resolution came after Russian President Vladimir Putin recently suggested that Poland was partly responsible for the war. Putin also claimed that the Soviet Union helped “save lives” after it invaded Poland in 1939 following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between the USSR and Nazi Germany. The comments triggered anger in Warsaw. Polish President Andrzej Duda earlier this week accused Putin of “post-Stalinist revisionism”. Meanwhile, towards the end of December, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Putin “has lied about Poland on numerous occasions.”

Stranded Iranian Driver Finally gets back on the Road

You may remember the story of the Iranian truck driver whose 30-year-old lorry broke down in Poland before Christmas, stranding the driver and the ensuing outpouring of support and assistance, including the raising of almost 100,000 zl to finance the purchase of a new truck. The Iranian lorry driver had again found himself stuck when the original seller backed out due to the international embargo on Iran and the possibility of a high fine. In a situation that seemed helpless, he had flown home to meet his family after a long separation and to figure out his next move. Well, this week he has finalised the purchase of the new truck, after the rocky last few weeks. Giving thanks for all the support he said, “On behalf of the great people of Iran and the hard-working drivers of this city, we are very proud of all the wise and watchful citizens of Poland”.

Riviera Refit

The owners of the Riviera Centre in Gdynia which is the largest shopping centre in Pomerania, and which opened in 2013 have reported that the first stage of the centre’s re-commercialization has been completed. 162 contracts have been signed, and the centre’s portfolio has increased by 52 new tenants. According to retailnet.pl the centre now boasts 250 stores on two levels with many restaurants and two and a half free parking spaces. The position of the Riviera as leader in the retail segment in the Tri-City is confirmed by the strong growth of footfall, which may exceed 10 million people this year.


Today is going to cloudy with sunny intervals interspersed with light rain showers and a moderate breeze. Temperatures will reach 10 degrees centigrade (50 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and dropping to 5 degrees overnight. Saturday will cloud over but there will be little or no rain. It will be cooler than Friday with temperatures staying around 5 degrees centigrade.

What’s On This Weekend – Highlights of what’s going on this weekend in the Tricity

• First up this weekend, the Baltic Opera in Wrzeszcz are holding music and movement classes for the children on Sunday between 11am and 3pm. Children and their parents participate in games where they spend their time creatively and can draw inspiration for further musical adventures. Classes are conducted by the artists of the Choir, Orchestra, Ballet and soloists cooperating with the Baltic Opera. Tickets are priced at 25zl per person.


• If you are hankering for a bit of 80s and 90s nostalgia and are fans of the music of Depeche Mode and the Cure, then head down to Metro Club in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz Saturday night between 9pm and 4am where you can dance the night away to the greatest tracks of Depeche Mode and the Cure as well as artists who will do cover versions of some of their best known tracks. Entrance is 10 zl.


• And finally, this weekend, the Family Park Orienteering events that are held regularly in the city are coming to Zaspa this Sunday. This is a great event for families to spend together in the outdoors, discovering things on their doorstep. You should meet at Primary School Number 48 from 9.30 am onwards. Entry costs between 1zl and 15zl per participant.



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