RG News in English: China Raises Coronavirus Death Toll by 50% in Wuhan

The Chinese city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus is thought to have originated from has had its official death toll raised by almost 50% yesterday amid concerns that the Chinese authorities have not been transparent in their reporting of the impact of coronavirus in the country. Statistics also show that the Chinese economy has shrunk for the first time in decades. Globally the number of deaths attributed to the virus has grown to 150,000 and the global number of confirmed cases stands at 2 ¼ million. Meanwhile in the United States, President Donald Trump is trying to ease the lockdown restrictions in the country, despite the US death and infection rates showing no signs of slowing.

Source – Guardian News, BBC News, Reuters

The European Parliament admonished Poland yesterday during a parliamentary session held to discuss Poland’s decision to proceed with planned presidential elections in May despite the corona virus pandemic. The resolution stated that the Polish government’s decision is „totally incompatible with European values”. The EU parliament is also pushing to move forward with Article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union that would suspend some of Poland’s rights as a member state. The vote to censure Poland was carried by 395 votes to 171.

Source – Reuters, Euractiv

The Estonian government confirmed it will formally join the so called Three Seas Initiative Investment fund this week, which aims to help finance infrastructure projects in the energy, transport and digital sectors in Central and Eastern Europe. Poland and Romania have previously contributed to the project, and several other countries are considering becoming members. The Polish-led Three Seas Initiative aims to boost infrastructure, energy and business ties among 12 countries between the Black, Baltic and Adriatic Seas.

Source – Polskie Radio

And finally, the University of Gdansk’s Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia is running a drive through COVID-19 virus testing centre. People who suspect that they may have become infected with coronavirus and notice symptoms such as increased body temperature, loss of smell and taste, and coughing can take a free examination after arranging an appointment by phone (call 58 349 18 88 every day between 9:00 and15:00). Patients are then invited to drive along to the testing centre at the institute in Gdynia where their temperature and nasal swab samples are taken(located at ul. Powstania Styczowego 9B). Full details of the initiative can be found on the Radio Gdańsk English News website.

Source – esopot.pl


Today will be another sunny day with gentles breezes and temperatures will reach around 12 degrees centigrade (54 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, dropping to 3 degrees overnight. It will remain sunny on Sunday and temperatures will reach a very pleasant 19 degrees centigrade. The early week will see cloudy conditions and lower temperatures.
RG News

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