Radio Gdansk News in English: UK now worst-hit country in Europe

The UK has overtaken Italy to become the European country with the highest number of coronavirus deaths.

Recorded deaths in the country surpassed 30,000 this week, overtaking Italy despite having fewer recorded cases overall.

There is some good news though, as the country is reported decreasing numbers of daily new cases and emergency field hospitals, opened last month in major cities, have been placed on standby.

Polish GDP to fall 4.3% in 2020

New figures from European Commission have predicted Poland may be less economically affected by coronavirus than other European countries.

In it’s spring economic forecast, the EC predicts a drop in Polish GDP of 4.3%, compared with an EU-wide drop of 7.4%.

If correct, the forecast would make Poland the least economically affected country in Europe, though it would be the country’s worst economic situation in decades.

According to the EU forecast, Germany is facing a 6.5% drop this year, while Italy is facing 7.5%.

Growth across Europe is expected to rebound in 2021, however. With Poland forecast for a 4.1% growth in GDP.

PKP Polish State Railway reopens some services

Poland’s state railway company, PKP, has announced it is gradually reopening some  suspended rail services.

The company temporarily closed services in March as lockdown measures came into force.

Of course, the reopened rail links will be subject to social distancing measures: only every second seat will be available for booking and compartments will be limited to 50% occupancy.

Trains will also be regularly disinfected and passengers will be obliged to cover their mouths and noses.

Wizz to open direct flights from UAE to Poland

Budget airline WizzAir has announced a new direct link from Poland to Abu Dhabi.

The twice weekly flight will connect the Emirati capital to the city of Katowice in Southern Poland.

The new route launches on September 15th, alongside other new connections from Abu Dhabi to Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary.

Gdansk prepares for Europe Day

Gdansk is preparing to go blue and gold this weekend as the city marks European Union Day.

Across Europe, May 9th marks Europe Day or Day of United Europe. The date commemorates the 1950 Schuman Declaration, when French politician Robert Schuman set out his idea for a European coal and steel market with the aim of making war between Europe’s nations unthinkable.

This year’s celebrations will invariably be more subdued than usual, but no less significant.

Here in Gdansk, shipyard cranes, significant buildings, and of course Neptune will light up in European blue and gold while the old town halls bell tower will perform a special Ode to Joy at midday.

At 10am, there will also be a live streamed concert in Oliwa cathedral featuring Polish and British singers and the music of Mozart performed by German and Polish orchestras.


Beautiful sunshine throughout the day today, with temperatures 13°C, that’s 56°F.

Feeling slightly cooler however with moderate winds from the northwest.

Radio Gdansk News/TAH
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