Radio Gdansk News in English: Poland eases additional coronavirus restrictions

As of this weekend, Poland has further eased coronavirus restrictions concerning mass gatherings at sporting and cultural events.

Under the new government regulations, open-air stadiums such as Ergo Arena are able to admit 50 percent of their capacity, up from 25 percent under previous regulations. Spectators are obliged to take every second seat, or keep a distance of 1.5 meters while also covering their mouth and nose with a mask.

The changes come just as Poland is experiencing a spike in new cases of COVID-19; yesterday saw a record 584 new diagnoses, the third-highest number of cases since the pandemic began last March. As of Sunday morning, 42,622 people have been diagnosed with the disease, of which 32,419 have recovered and 1,664 have died.

According to data released by the Ministry of Health this week, Poland remains far less affected by the coronavirus epidemic than many other countries in Europe. Poland averages 43 COVID-19 deaths per million inhabitants, far below that of Germany at 109 and France at 462.

Source: Radio Poland, Ministerstwo Zdrowia

The easing of coronavirus restrictions arrived just in time for the opening of the 760th annual Saint Dominic’s Fair (Jarmark Dominikański) this weekend in the Gdańsk city center.

While the number of exhibitors and vendors has been reduced by a third due to concerns about overcrowding and social distancing, attendees report that the atmosphere does not appear markedly different from previous years.

The vast majority of visitors to the fair are reportedly not wearing masks and it is difficult to keep a safe distance in some places, despite the presence of yellow warning stickers on roads and sidewalks.

Vendors appear much more observant of sanitary guidelines, however. Kiosks are separated by plexiglass and have disinfectant available, exhibitors wear face shields or masks, and many, like those working at one Lithuanian cuisine stand, “change gloves every five minutes.”
Jarmark Dominikański is one the oldest, largest, and most popular street fairs in Europe; it will remain open this year until August 16.

Source: Radio Gdańsk

Bernard Ładysz, one of the finest bass singers in the history of Polish music, passed away yesterday in Warsaw at the age of 98.

A former Siberian exile and soldier in the Home Army during WWII, Ładysz joined the Warsaw Opera company after the war and remained its soloist for almost three decades. He rose to prominence internationally after winning the Viotti International Music Competition in 1956, going on to record LPs under the Columbia label and perform at prestigious venues around the world.

Ładysz won particular renown for his roles in ‘Boris Godunov’, ‘Prince Igor’, ‘Aida’, ‘Rigoletto’, and Penderecki’s ‘Utrenya’ and ‘St Luke Passion.’ He also appeared as Tevye in ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, as well as in several feature films, including Andrzej Wajda’s ‘The Promised Land’.

In a tweet commemorating his death, Minister of Culture and National Heritage Piotr Gliński described Ładysz as “a legend of Polish opera, a wonderful singer, actor and soldier, and a great Polish patriot…his extraordinary voice and outstanding performances will stay with us forever.”

Source: Radio Poland

A Lithuanian woman and her new baby daughter are safe in a hospital near Babie Doły after the woman went into labor while traveling on a ferry from Germany to Lithuania.

Polish SAR, including the “Huragan” rescue ship and a Navy helicopter, were dispatched to the Regina Seaways ferry some 70 kilometers from Łeba at 2:30 am Saturday morning after being notified that a passenger had gone into labor.

The baby had already arrived by the time rescuers appeared on scene, so the helicopter took both mother and child to the nearest hospital. Both are reportedly doing well.

Sunday will be partly cloudy and warm with a good chance of rain in the late afternoon and early evening. Temperatures will peak around a high of 28°C, or 82°F, dropping overnight to 15°C or 59°F. Clearer skies should return on Monday, with sunny, warm weather forecast for the rest of the week.


Elizabeth Peck/ako

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