Radio Gdansk News in English: Jarosław Kaczyński re-elected to lead Law and Justice

Jarosław Kaczyński has been re-elected to lead Poland’s ruling conservatives, Law and Justice, at the party’s congress in Warsaw on Saturday.

In his speech after the results were announced, he declared this is the last time that he will be leading the party, and also that he will step down if leadership „becomes too much”. The 72-year-old received 1245 votes, with 18 against and 5 abstentions. Kaczyński has been head of Law and Justice from January 2003, when he took over from his brother, later President Lech Kaczyński, who became the party’s first leader in 2001.

Source – Polskie Radio

The former PM and Civic Platform leader declares comeback at the party’s National Council in Warsaw.

Donald Tusk is returning to Polish politics. „I am 100% returning” said the former prime minister, co-founder of Civic Platform party and now its honorary leader, at Saturday’s convention of the party’s National Council in Warsaw. 64-year-old Donald Tusk was Poland’s Prime Minister between 2007-2014. He then served as President of the European Council. He is currently head of the European People’s Party, the largest bloc in the European Parliament.

Source – Polskie Radio, The First News

Poles will from July 12 be able to apply for a government subsidy of almost PLN 19,000 when buying an electric car.

For families with a large number of children, a subsidy of PLN 27,000 will be available. Poland’s National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has earmarked PLN 500 million to subsidise purchases of electric and hydrogen vehicles under the initiative. Deputy Climate and Environment Minister Ireneusz Zyska said that the aim of the programme was to reduce harmful emissions, develop environmentally-friendly transport and improve Poles’ quality of life.

Source – Polskie Radio

Residents living in a number of districts in Gdynia have been shocked by new paid parking zones which have been introduced apparently without consultation and without any rebates for local residents in the affected areas.

A spokesman for the Gdynia council said that the introducing rebates for residents was too complicated to implement. 3 hours of parking in the areas of Gdynia Orłowo, Grabowek and other areas now costs 16zł and fees in the centre of Gdynia have increased to 20 zł for 3 hours.

Source – Radio Gdańsk


Today will be a warm day with sunny intervals with temperatures of 24 degrees centigrade (75 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, dropping to 17 degrees overnight. Monday will remain warm with thundery showers and a gentle breeze and temperatures reaching 23 degrees during the day and 15 degrees overnight.


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