Pomerania may host nuclear power plant | EU gives ‘silent nod’ to food tax cut | Forest fugitive ends seven-year flight from justice | Social media approval delivers big reward to courier

Poland’s first ever nuclear power station could be built in Pomerania.

State-owned company Polish Nuclear Power Plants has announced its preferred location for the facility in the seaside district of Choczewo.

It’s by no means the final decision on the construction of the plant, which still needs to clear several administrative hurdles.

The location was selected after an extensive study which looked at 92 potential sites across Poland.

An independent study carried out in October showed that 63 percent of residents in the area around Choczewo support the building of the installation in their vicinity.

Source: radiogdansk.pl

The EU appears to have given tacit permission for the Polish government to lower taxes on food.

EU commissioner for economic affairs Paolo Gentiloni said that the bloc will “take note of the decisions, even though they do not comply with EU rules”.

European regulations are set to change in the next months, but the Polish government wants to make the adjustment sooner, as part of its anti-inflation shield.

Polish finance minister Tadeusz Kościński responded by saying that cheaper food prices won’t be seen until February at the earliest, partly due to the time needed to re-programme cash registers across the country.

Source: polskieradio24.pl

A man who avoided jail for seven years has been found hiding out in a forest hut in Warmia-Masuria province.

The 47-year-old had been sentenced to nine months in prison for failing to make child support payments before he disappeared.

On Tuesday morning police found him sleeping in a makeshift shelter a few hundred metres from a road inside the forest.

Source: PAP

Social media approval delivers big reward to courier

A courier from Gdańsk has been given a handsome reward after returning a lost purse.

The purse’s grateful owner, Joanna Wojdyło, posted the story on social media, where it got a huge response.

She suggested to the courier’s employers, InPost, that every „like” should be converted into a one zloty reward.

Eventually the finder, Mr Vardan, received almost 15,000 zlotys.

He said he didn’t understand all the fuss, and would be sharing the money with people more needy than him.

Source: radiogdansk.pl


Today will see a cloudy and dry day in Gdańsk with a light breeze and a high of -1°C or 30°F. Overnight the mercury will dip to -3°C, 26°F, before a slight thaw tomorrow for Christmas Eve. Freezing temperatures will return for Christmas Day, with a possibility of snow in the morning.


Andrew Carter/aka

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