Parliament Approves Probe into 2020 Postal Voting Plan | Hacker Group Targets Polish Officials by Impersonating Ukrainian State Agencies | Likely PM Donald Tusk Gives Statement on Hungary PM’s View of Ukraine and the EU | Social Kitchen Opens in Gdańsk

(Fot. KancelariaSejmu/X)

Parliament Approves Probe into 2020 Postal Voting Plan

The Sejm voted late last week to unanimously approve a parliamentary commission to investigate irregularities in the mail-in voting process of the 2020 election during COVID.

The ruling government at the time argued that a hybrid postal/traditional election could be held safely during the pandemic, but concerns were raised about the process being rushed and risking a free and fair election.

Source: IAR, PAP, Reuters

Hacker Group Targets Polish Officials by Impersonating Ukrainian State Agencies

The hacker group UAC-0050 recently impersonated Ukrainian state agencies using valid government email addresses to send hazardous malware to Polish and Ukrainian government employees. The subjects of the seemingly valid emails concerned “debts,” and “legal claims,” with the attachments containing RemcosRAT and MeduzaStealer malware.

This malware can be used to remotely access and steal data from infected devices and is adept at avoiding antivirus software. The hacker group has previously accessed official Ukrainian government emails earlier this year, but has not been connected to any nation-state.

Source: The Kyiv Independent, PolskieRadio

Opposition PM Candidate Donald Tusk Gives Statement on Hungary PM’s View of Ukraine and the EU

The Civic Coalition’s Donald Tusk shared his views on Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán on Friday. He expressed concerns over the country’s “pro-Russian” positions. He voiced concerns over PM Orbán blocking EU resolutions concerning Ukraine’s accession and 800 million EUR in reimbursement to Poland for its military aid to Ukraine.

He went on to say that he would do his best to change the outlook of PM Orbán on the subjects of Ukraine and Russia but expressed that he was not confident in his odds of success for the endeavor. Orbán recently wrote a letter to the president of the European Council Charles Mitchell urging him to exclude macro-financial aid to Ukraine as well as its EU accession from the upcoming summit’s agenda.

Source: PAP, Politico, PolskieRadio

Social Kitchen Opens in Gdańsk

The Orunia dining room, located next to Orunia station in Gdańsk, officially opened Saturday and is encouraging locals to donate any food they don’t plan on eating so it does not go to waste. In Poland, approximately 5 million tons is wasted annually, Orunia aims to help in correcting this while providing free food to those who need it.

Gdańsk Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz explained that anyone can donate to the kitchen without the need to fill out forms or take inventory, and encouraged as many as possible to donate. She did, however, remind residents not to donate food that is already expired or suitable to be thrown away.

Source: DziennikBaltycki


Today’s weather will be overcast all day once again. It will be slightly warmer at 1 to 3 degrees Celsius, or 33 to 37 degrees Fahrenheit, bringing rain around noon instead of snow.


Bryce Buren/vn

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