Radio Gdansk English Service: Joe Biden wins big in South Carolina

After finishing a disappointing 4th in Iowa and 5th in New Hampshire, the campaign of former US Vice President Joe Biden roared back to life yesterday with a resounding victory in the South Carolina primaries.
As of this morning, the Associated Press reports Biden winning in South Carolina with nearly 50% (48.4%) of the vote, followed by current frontrunner Bernie Sanders with nearly 20% (19.9%). “Mayor Pete” Buttiegieg came in fourth with 8.2%, with Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren slightly behind with 7.1%, and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar finishing a distant sixth, with just over 3%. Only the top two candidates, Biden and Sanders, earned enough votes to win delegates.

After finishing short of the 15% delegate threshold for the third consecutive time, billionaire activist Tom Steyer announced he was officially dropping out of the race for the nomination. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, though still officially in the race, was not on the ballot in South Carolina.

The remaining candidates are now gearing up for the “Super Tuesday” primaries on March 3rd, in which 14 states, including delegate-rich California and Texas, will cast their ballots for the next Democratic presidential nominee.

Source: AP

American troops arrive in Poland

Some 20,000 American troops along with heavy equipment are set to arrive in Poland this week as part of the largest US military exercises in Europe for a quarter of a century.

According to President Andrzej Duda, the “DEFENDER-Europe 20” and “Anaconda” military exercises are part of an ongoing effort to bolster security in the region and test the coordination of US troops with allied forces and local civilian services.

As part of the maneuvers, Poland will be hosting troops from some 18 different countries (mostly NATO members) with a total of 37,000 soldiers, including 4,000 Poles, set to take part. The DEFENDER-Europe 20 exercises are scheduled to run for the next few months, eventually wrapping up in June.

Source: Radio Poland

Brazilian and Polish tennis duo take first at Mexican Open

Poland’s Łukasz Kubot and Brazil’s Marcelo have won the men’s doubles competition at the ATP Mexican Open in Acapulco.

The Polish-Brazilian duo beat the top-seeded Colombian team of Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah yesterday in a hard-fought three sets, 7:6 (8-6), 6:7 (4-7), 11-9. This is Kubot’s third time winning in Acapulco, but his first time on the podium with Melo.

Together, the two men will share the glory of beating last year’s Grand Slam champions as well as a generous $120,000 cash bonus. The win in Mexico marks their 13th ATP Tour doubles title and the first of this season.

Source: PAP,

National Day of Remembrance for “Cursed Soldiers”

Official ceremonies are being held across Poland today to commemorate heroes of the anti-communist underground, known as the “żołnierze wyklęci” or “cursed soldiers.”

After Poland’s underground Home Army (Armia Krajowa) disbanded at the end of WWII, thousands of Poles continued to fight in various underground organizations against the Soviet Red Army and later against the communist regime.

The so-called “cursed” or “indomitable” soldiers faced a brutal crackdown by Poland’s communist authorities and were a taboo subject during the country’s decades under communist rule.

March 1st was chosen as the official day of remembrance in 2011, as it was on this day in 1951 that seven prominent members of the Freedom and Independence (Wolność i Niezawisłość – WiN) organization were executed in Warsaw by the Soviet-controlled Communist Polish secret police (Urząd Bezpieczeństwa).

For information on commemorative events being held around Trójmiasto, see the program here (in Polish) or follow us on Twitter @radiogdansknews.

Source: Radio Poland


Today will be mostly sunny with a strong breeze from the southwest and a chance for light rain showers in the afternoon and early evening. Temperatures will be warmer than yesterday with a high of 9°C, or 48°F with overnight temps hovering around 2°C or 36°F. Clouds and a chance of rain will return overnight, with an increasing chance of wet weather for Tuesday and Wednesday.


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