Radio Gdansk English Service: Polish Prime Minister congratulates UK Conservatives on their historic win

In a press conference last Friday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki congratulated Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party on their historic win in the UK. The Conservatives won an absolute majority in the early parliamentary election last week, making it possible for Johnson to fulfill his campaign promise to “Get Brexit Done” and take Britain out of the European Union by January 31st.

Morawiecki said on Friday that the Tory victory was important from the point of view of Poland and the EU as “it will bring stability to the political scene in Great Britain.” The Polish Prime Minister went on to say he looked forward to “a new chapter” between the EU and the UK “which will mean deepening cooperation in trade, security and politics.”

Source: The First News, PAP

Opposition candidates officially enter the 2020 Polish presidential race

Over the weekend, Civic Coalition (PO) and the Polish People’s Party (PSL) officially announced their candidates for the 2020 Polish presidential election.

Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, an experienced politician and former Marshal of the Sejm, was chosen on Saturday to stand as the candidate for the major opposition party Platform Obywatelska or Civic Coalition. Her candidacy was warmly welcomed be former Polish PM Donald Tusk.

The leader of the Polish People’s Party, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, also announced his candidacy on Saturday, making a visit to Orłowo pier yesterday to kick off his presidential campaign. While stressing his desire to “be the president of all Poles” Kosiniak-Kamysz also discussed issues relating to climate and retirement age.

Both candidates are joined by journalist and television presenter Szymon Hołownia, who is running as an independent, with the Lewica and Konfederacja parties yet to announce their candidates for the upcoming elections.

Source: The First News, PAP

Gdańsk commemorates Black Thursday massacre

Today marks the 49th anniversary of the 1970 protests across Pomerania and the deadly “Czarny Czwartek” or Black Thursday massacre of workers in Gdynia.

In response to sudden increases in the price of food and other daily necessities, protests broke out in early December 1970 in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Elbląg, and Szczecin. In response, soldiers from the Polish People’s Army and the Citizen’s Militia fired on workers in Gdynia on December 17th, resulting in the deaths of over 40 people and injuries to a thousand more.

Commemorative events are being held across Trójmiasto today, and the city of Gdańsk will also be displaying portraits around the city – including on street lamps, trams and buses – of people killed by communist authorities in the 1970 protests. The portraits feature Jerzy Matelski, Stefan Mosiewicz, Andrzej Perzyński, Waldemar Rebinin, Kazimierz Stojecki, Bogdan Sypka, Józef WIDerlik and Kazimierz Zastawny.

Last chance to help spread Christmas cheer to Poles in Belarus

Today and tomorrow are the last days to help Poles living in Belarus by donating non-perishable food items and sweets to those in need.

As part of an annual Christmas tradition, the City of Sopot, together with the Sopot branch of the Polish Community Association, is organizing a collection of gifts that will be handed over to Poles living in Belarus. Thanks to the help of the local Union of Poles in Belarus, the gifts will be distributed to Polish families living in the vicinity of Grodno.

Anyone wanting to contribute can drop of gifts today until 18:00 and tomorrow until 16:00 in room 15 on the ground floor of the Sopot City Hall.

Sopot has been supporting Polish diaspora organizations in Belarus for many years, including study visits by residents of Polonia to Sopot, and camps for Polish youths living abroad as part of the Summer with Poland campaign.


Today will be mostly cloudy and cold with a good chance of rain showers in the late evening and overnight. Temperatures will continue to hover around 4-5 degrees Celsius or the upper 30s and lower 40s Fahrenheit, with perceived temperatures closer to freezing due to high winds and humidity. Tomorrow is set to be overcast, but slightly warmer.


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