Polish Military Participates in First Finland-Commanded NATO Exercise | Trucker Blockade on Polish-Ukrainian Border to Partially Open | Poland Joins Declaration to Triple Global Nuclear Power by 2050 | Santa Claus’s Motorcycle Parade in Trójmiasto

(Fot. X/Marynarka Wojenna RP/ Polish)

Polish Military Participates in First Finland-Commanded NATO Exercise

The Polish Military Contingent “Czernicki” recently took part in NATO maneuvers in the Gulf of Finland designated “Freezing Winds 23,” along with ten other NATO member states and Sweden. Such exercises have increased in regularity due to Russian aggression.

PKW Czernicki contributed their anti-mine forces to the marine component of the exercises, which were unique considering that they are the first to be led by Finland since its accession to NATO on April 4th of 2023.

Source: Dziennik Baltycki

Trucker Blockade on Polish-Ukrainian Border to Partially Open

Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov has announced that the Uhryniv-Dolhobyczow crossing would be open to commercial traffic today. He made the accouncement on social media saying “We’re opening the Uhryniv-Dolhobyczow crossing for the movement of empty lorries leaving Ukraine,”

The post continued with “In cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and the Lubelskie Province with the support of the European Commission, it has been possible to achieve an agreement in the matter of opening a lane for lorries of a weight of 7.5 tonnes,” Kubrakov states that this was the first step in reducing the congestion at the border, and that progress was being made on the work to end the blockade in a mutually beneficial manner.

Source: PAP, TVP World

Poland Joins Declaration to Triple Nuclear Power by 2030

President Andzrej Duda made several statements at a climate summit in Dubai on Saturday voicing support for a transition to clean nuclear energy. “Without nuclear energy, it will not be possible to implement ambitious climate plans we all want to follow. We won’t be able to protect our planet,” he said.

The President noted that while Poland currently does not have a working nuclear power plant, the country has been intensifying its nuclear energy program for years. More than twenty countries have pledged to the declaration led by France, including the United States.

Source: PAP TVP World

Santa Claus’s Motorcycle Parade in Trójmiasto

Yesterday, the Tri-city charitable Santa Claus motorcycle parade, organized by the Tri-city Motorcycle Association, took place for the twenty-first time. The goal of the event is to raise money for hot meals to be served in schools, educational centers, orphanages, and to purchase presents for hospitalized children.

Thousands of participants from all over the Pomorskie region began riding from Polsat Plus Arena in Gdańsk all the way to Kościuszko in Gdynia. To participate, riders must buy a brick and the sales are used for the charity. The first such event took place in 2003 with only nine riders, and now has grown to an average of 2.5 thousand raising money to buy tens of thousands of hot meals and thousands of presents for children’s hospitals every year.

Source: Dziennik Baltycki


Today’s weather will thankfully be sunny with low winds and no snow is expected. The temperature however will remain below freezing at -6 to 0 degrees Celsius or 21 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bryce Buren

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